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This is our journal, a place to share news and stay connected, keeping readers up to date on developments in the world of Italian wine and internationally

Interviews, stories, previews, research & studies, projects, forays in the vineyard and cellar. Our world, our travels, our stories… to stay in touch and take you with us on this fascinating journey.

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San Lorenzo Rosso Conero 2008

The perfect wine to drink at home with roast beef, porcini mushrooms and shallot.
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Chinese rolls in sweet and sour sauce and Vecchie Vigne 2012.

The video recipe with Max Mariola
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L’aperitivo giusto si fa con la Hoz! A dirlo è la Grande Cucina.

Il Metodo Classico La Hoz e la Grande Cucina: le migliori occasioni di consumo, a cominciare dall'aperitivo.
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Quenelle di branzino al timo e buccia di limone, in abbinamento al Plenio.

Dal libro "Una polpetta ci salverà" di Anna Scafuri e Giancarlo Roveri. Leggi la ricetta...
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