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This is our journal, a place to share news and stay connected, keeping readers up to date on developments in the world of Italian wine and internationally

Interviews, stories, previews, research & studies, projects, forays in the vineyard and cellar. Our world, our travels, our stories… to stay in touch and take you with us on this fascinating journey.


The “Old Vintages Library” project

A deep journey through time and history, through the evolution of wine and a project that we are sure will involve enthusiasts and collectors.
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Opera Wine 2023: Plenio 2016 among the best Italian wines according to Wine Spectator

Umani Ronchi has been selected by Wine Spectator as one of the Best Italian Wineries that will participate at OperaWine 2023.
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First tastes: the 2022 whites and rosé on tasting!

From Marche to Abruzzo, below are the first wines of the 2022 vintage and the tasting notes.
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Rosso Conero and Campo San Giorgio: the story of an iconic wine.

On June 12, 1973 Umani Ronchi presented the Registration of the figurative trademark of the Rosso Conero label. A narration through still current words and images, which comes to life in Campo San Giorgio Conero Riserva Docg, the most important Umani Ronchi Cru.
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“Me la ricordo come una giornata felice” by Roberto Racca

The book to put under the tree? This year our choice falls on an "artist's book": I remember it as a happy day. Pages of vines and wines by Roberto Racca.
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Abruzzo is the Wine Region of the Year according to Wine Enthusiast!

Wine lovers have always celebrated the world's legendary wine regions, but the most discerning oenophiles know that hidden gems are discovered off the beaten track by tasting...this is the incipit of the Wine Enthusiast article that elects Abruzzo as the Wine Region of the Year 2022.
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Umani Ronchi on the podium of the Corporate Heritage Awards 2022

Umani Ronchi reached the podium in the category "Digital Storytelling through Words, Images, Sounds" with the presentation of the new digital project dedicated to the website.
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Industrial tourism and territorial marketing. We are among the pages of the Italian Touring Club.

The October issue of the Italian Touring Club magazine dedicates the cover and an extensive article to itineraries in the factories of excellence in the Marche region.
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Campo San Giorgio, new vintage!

The new Campo San Giorgio 2018 is available from October.
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The 2023 guides: the scores and the reviews of national and international critics

From the Verdicchio, the Conero and the Abruzzo territories, find out how our wines rated and continue to follow updates and developments this season.
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Centovie Montepulciano 2018, new vintage!

We present the 2018 vintage
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Travelling to Ancona with Emily Scott, between cooking classes and wine experience.

Two days on tour among the excellences of our territory with Emily Scott, the English chef among the most famous names in international cuisine.
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Zurich, heart of Italian Wines

Zurich capital of Italian Wines, a unique experience made in Switzerland.
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Napoli, Vitigno Italia 2022

A unique location, Castel dell’Ovo palace in the heart of the Napoli Gulf, for an incredible tasting with wine lovers and traders from all over the world.
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The economy of Italy and the Marche system in the Corriere della Sera: Michele Bernetti’s participation.

Umani Ronchi, one of the entrepreneurial excellence of the Marche region, receives the Bper Banca "Restart Italy 2022" award. Michele Bernetti’s speech.
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