Industrial tourism and territorial marketing. We are among the pages of the Italian Touring Club.
The October issue of the Italian Touring Club magazine dedicates the cover and an extensive article to itineraries in the factories of excellence in the Marche region. A journey through family stories, craftsmanship, ingenuity and passion that brings to light the rich industrial heritage of the Marche through unprecedented corporate tourism routes. From manufacturing to production in the food sector, Umani Ronchi is also part of this beautiful story written by Isabella Brega, editor-in-chief of the Touring magazines.
An initiative that was born together with Visit Industry Marche, the program fostered by the Association Il Paesaggio dell’Eccellenza in collaboration with the tour operator GoWorld of Ancona, to promote industrial tourism and territorial marketing.
"The journey starts from Pesaro, more precisely in the rooms of Villa Miralfiore where FIAM Italia hosts the museum dedicated to curved glass interpreted by the greatest artists, architects and designers in the world. Touring continues in the land where the first factory in the world of Accordions was created in 1863, finding out how Pigini Accordions of Castelfidardo still produces these instruments that gave birth to the musical instrument district of Marche. From music to the press and publishing center between Loreto and Recanati, where books and some national newspapers are printed in Tecnostampa and Rotopress and where Eli produces education publishing. Then to Montelupone to learn about the historical collection of guitars and the lutherie workshop of the glorious Eko factory (today Algam Eko). In Recanati, Touring Club tells us about Clementoni , a leading company since 1963 in the educational toys sector and Fratelli Guzzini, which has been producing art design icons for the table, kitchen and furniture in precious plastic material. From manufacturing to production in the food sector with a visit to the Umani Ronchi cellar in Osimo where the path ends to discover how and by whom products and foods are made,w ith stories, curiosities and aspects to be discovered for pleasure or interest . "
The magazine was presented in the stand of the Marche Region at the TTG fair in Rimini where the President of the Marche Region Francesco Acquaroli, the Director of the Marche Tourism and Internationalization Agency Marco Bruschini, the Director of the "Touring" magazine Silvestro Serra were present as well as the APE President Domenico Guzzini, the Director Alessandro Carlorosi and the President of GoWorld, Ludovico Scortichini.