The illustrations of our most representative wine labels were drawn in ink by Abruzzo’s Ileana Colazzilli
Ileana Colazzilli is an artist from Abruzzo who’s been collaborating with us for a long time, sharing her inspiring designs and sketches of important wines. From Campo San Giorgio to Pelago, Villa Bianchi and Centovie, we are thrilled by the idea that the stroke of the same hand, using the same technique (with India ink), represents all our wines. Ileana creates her work in collaboration with Flavia Simone, Art Director who manages to contextualize the sketches and integrate them harmoniously and creatively on our labels. The talented artist’s most recent drawing seeks to portray the essence of Conero’s geometry. A sketch made for the Conero Experience project, more than ever it expresses her “pure painting” style, which embodies visual representation through the eternal dichotomy between figurative and abstract art. This artistic flourish adorns the handcrafted wooden box dedicated to Conero (sold as a limited edition wine).